Its interesting
that pot plants really do blend in with other plants to the
point that they are unidentifiable by all but the most
observant. I remember a relative of the family on a visit to
Texas showed me his corn in the garden and I was standing 3feet
away from several pot plants before I recognized them for what
they were.
Plants started
outdoors late in the season never get very big and never attract
the least bit of attention when placed next to plants of similar
or taller stature. Even tall plants grown among several trees
will be almost invisible in their camouflage.
Outdoors the
object is to control access to an area, and not to arouse
suspicion. Tuck them here and there, never in a recognizable
pattern. Space them out, and fit them in to the existing
landscape such that they get full sun, but they are hidden or
blend in. Fence lines and groups of several together are best.
Try to find strains that seem to match the surrounding plants.
Feed nitrogen to your plants if they need to be greener to blend
in. Some growers even use plastic red flowers, pinned to a
plant, disguising it as a flower bush.
Visit the plants
at night on full moons, and if your visible to neighbors, appear
to be pruning a tree, mowing the lawn, or doing something in the
yard that makes you invisible.
Dig a hole and put
a potted plant in it. The plants height will be reduced by at
least a foot.
Some growers top
the plant when it is 12" high, and grow the 2 tops horizontally
along a trellis. The plant will never be over 3 feet tall, and
never arouses suspicion from neighbors. This type of plant can
even be grown in your yard in full view. Many stories abound of
having the neighbors over for a BBQ and nobody ever noticed the
nice plants over by the fence...