Cloning is asexual
reproduction. Cuttings are taken from a mother plant in
vegatative growth, and rooted in hydroponic medium to be grown
as a separate plant. The offspring will be plants that are
identical to the parent plant.

For more pictures of
marijuana cloning
Cloning preserves
the character of your favorite plant. Cloning can make an ocean
of green out of a single plant, so it is a powerful tool for
growing large crops, and will fill a closet quickly with your
favorite genetics. When you find the plant you want to be your
"buddy" for the rest of your life, you can keep that plant
genetic character alive for decades and pass it on to your
childrens children. Propagate and share it with others, to keep
a copy, should your own line die out. A clone can be taken from
a clone at least 20 times, and probably more, so don not worry
about myths of reduced vigor. Many reports indicate it is not a
Cloning will open
you to the risk of a fungus or pests wiping out the whole crop,
so it is important to pick plants that exhibit great resistance
to fungus and pests. Pick the plant you feel will be the most
reliable to reproduce in large scale, based on health, growth
rate, resistance to pests, and potency. The quality of the high,
and the type of buzz you get will be a very important
determining factor.
Take cuttings for
clones before you move plants from vegetative grow area to the
flowering area. Low branches are cut to increase air circulation
under the green canopy. Rooted clones are moved to the
vegetative growth area, and new clones are started in the
cloning area using the low branch cuttings. Each cycle of growth
will take from 4-8 weeks, so you can constantly be growing in 3
stages, and harvesting every 6-8 weeks.
Some types of
plants are more difficult to clone than others. Big Bud is
reported to not clone very well. One of my favorite plants, Mr.
Kona, is the most amazing pot I ever smoked, but it is hard as
hell to clone. What a challenge! I noticed other varieties that
were rooting much quicker, but it was the stone I was after!
Once you find the psychoactive, almost hallucinogenic properties
of some Indica/Sativa hybrids, you never want to smoke a pure
Indica again. Indica is however, great medicinally, so I like to
grow a few pure strains too.
If a plant is
harvested, you can sample it, and decide if you want to clone
it. Pick your favorite 2 or 3 distinctly different types of
plants to clone, based on trying the harvested plants. The
plants you want to clone can be regenerated by putting them in
constant light. In a few weeks, you will have many vegetative
cuttings available for cloning and preserving your favorite
plants. Always keep a mother plant in vegatative mode for any
strain you want to keep alive. If you flower all your clones,
you may end up killing off a strain if you don not have any
plant devoted to being a mother. I killed off a sacred strain
accidentally this way; my harvested plants failed to regenerate
and the strain would have died completely had not previously
igven it to friends to grow it as well. I was in luck, and a
buddy set me up with another clone of this strain to grow as a
mother plant for a new crop of clones.
After two months,
any marijuana plant can be cloned. Flowering plants can be
cloned, but the procedure may take considerably longer. Its best
to wait, and regenerate vegetatively plants that have been
harvested. A single regenerated/harvested plant can generate
hundreds of cuttings. Before taking cuttings, starve the plant
for nitrogen for a week at least, so that the plant is not
extreamly green, as this will make rooting take longer. Take
cuttings from the bottom 1/3 of the plant, when doing ordinary
pruning. Cut young growth tips from a vegetative stage, mature
plant 3-5 inches long with a stem diameter 1/5-1/10 inch. Cut
with a sterile razor blade or X-acto knife (flamed) and immerse
the cut end of the clone into a tub of distilled water mixed
with 1/4 tspn Peters 5-50-17 per gallon. Next, cut the bottom .2
inch off the end while it is submerged, using a diagonal cut.
Remove the clone from the tub and dip into a liquid cloning
solution following instructions on the label. Dust with
RootToneF and place in cloning tray or medium. Flowering plants
can be cloned too, but may take longer, and may not have as high
a success rate.
Cloning goes
quickest with the liquid rooting solutions, in a warmed, aerated
tray, with subdued lighting and high humidity. Placing cuttings
into 1" rockwool cubes in a covered tray works great too. In a
closet, you can make space above the grow area so that the heat
of the lamp warms the tray (passive collecting) and spare the
expense and hassle of the aquarium heater ($24) or agricultural
heating pad w/ thermostat (pricey). A double 4" fluorescent lamp
will be perfect. Leave lamps on for 24 hours a day. Cuttings
should root in 2-3 weeks.
I found only one
liquid rooting hormone solution that was not over $10. (Olivia
Gel was $12 for a 1.6 ounce bottle. Geez, what is this stuff,
gold?) I found some dipNgrow for $9, considered myself lucky,
and got a tray and clear cover for $7. A clear tray cover or
greenhouse encloser is needed to bring up humidity to 90%
(greenhouse levels). Liquid rooting hormone seems to be much
more effective than powders. Some types available are Olivia,
Woods, and dipNgrow.
Mix a weak cloning
solution of high P plant food (such as Peter 5-50-17), trace
elements, and epsom salts and then dip plants in rooting
solution per instructions on label. All of the above nutrients
should be added in extremely small amounts, 25% of what would
normally be used on growing plants. Or use a premade solution
such as Olivia Rooting Solution. Corn syrup has been reported to
supplement the sugars needed by the plant during cloning, since
it consists of plant sugars.
Use a powder
fungicide too, like RoottoneF to be sure you don not spoil the
clones with fungus. This is important, since clones and fungus
like the conditions you will be creating for good rooting:
mild light, 72-80
degrees, high humidity
In rockwool, there
is no need for airating the solution, just keep the cubes in
1/4" of solution so they wick and stay moist at all times. Try
to keep clones evenly spaced, and spray them with water once a
day to keep them moist and fresh. Pull out clones if they are
diseased and dying, to keep them away from healthy starts.
Another method is
to float cutings in a tray full of solution on polystyrene
disposable plates, or styrene sheets (shipping/packing material)
with holes punched, so the tops and leaves are out of the water.
Take off all large leaves, leaving only smaller top leaves to
reduce demand on the new rooting stalk. Aerate the tray solution
with an air pump and bubble stone. Keep solution at 72-80
degrees for best results. Change the solution daily if not using
an air stone and pump, so that oxygen is always available to the
cuttings. A week later, clip yellowing leaves from cuttings to
reduce water demands as the cuttings start to root.
Buy a tray with a
clear cover made for rooting at an indoor gardening supply
house. You must keep humidity very high for the clones. Put
cuttings in an ice chest with cellophane over the top and a
light shining down if you don not want to pay for the grow tray
and cover.
It is also
possible to directly place a dipped cutting in a moist block of
floral foam with holes punched, or vermiculite in a cup; be sure
to root cuttings in a constantly moist medium. Jiffy peat cubes
are not recommended, as published reports indicate results were
not good for rooting clones. Place starter cubes in tray of
solution. Check twice a day to be sure cubes are moist, not
drenched, and not dry. After about 2-3 weeks, rootlets will
appear at the bottom of the pods. Transplant at this point to
growing area, taking care not to disturb any exposed roots.
One grower writes
I have had
virtually all attempted clones root with the following scheme:
0. Prep cutting by
removing large leaves on tip to be cut, allow to heal.
1. While holding
underwater, take final diagonal cut on stem to be rooted.
2. Dip in Rootone,
then spear stem about 2" deep in 16 oz. cups of 1/2 vermiculite,
1/2 perlite, which are kept in a stryrofoam cooler. 3. Spray
cuttings with a VERY mild complete fert. soln.
4. Cover top of
cooler with Saran Wrap, then punch holes for ventilation.
5. Keep cooler in
relatively mild temps, low light, and spray cuttings daily.
6. Cuttings should
root in about 3 weeks.
Cloning is not as
easy as starting from seed. With seeds, you can have 18" tall
plants in 6 weeks or less. With clones, it may take 6 weeks for
the plant to sprout roots and new growth. Seeds are easily twice
as fast if you have empty indoor space being wasted that needs
to be put to use quickly. Always breed a few buds for seeds,
even if you expect to be cloning most of the time, you could get
wiped out, and have nothing but your seeds left to start over.
Cloning in
rockwool seems to work great, and no air pump is needed. I paid
$9 for 98 rockwool starter cubes. A plastic tray is available
($.95) that holds 77 cubes in pockets allowing the cubes to be
held in a tray of nutrient solution. They are easily removed and
placed in a larger rockwool growing cube when rooted.